Thursday, 10 April 2014

Does New Moon Mean Something Divine?


2:189 They ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage. ....

10:5  It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and measured out for it stages that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for people who have knowledge. 

36:37And a sign to them is the night: We draw forth from it the day, then lo! they are in the dark;
36:38And the sun runs on to a term appointed for it; that is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knowing.
36:39And (as for) the moon, We have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as an old dry palm branch.
36:40Neither is it allowable to the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and all float on in a sphere.


6:74And when Ibrahim said to his sire, Azar: Do you take idols for gods? Surely I see you and your people in manifest error.
6:75And thus did We show Ibrahim the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and that he might be of those who are sure.
6:76So when the night over-shadowed him, he saw a star; said he: Is this my Lord? So when it set, he said: I do not love the setting ones.
6:77Then when he saw the moon rising, he said: Is this my Lord? So when it set, he said: If my Lord had not guided me I should certainly be of the erring people.
6:78Then when he saw the sun rising, he said: Is this my Lord? Is this the greatest? So when it set, he said: O my people! surely I am clear of what you set up (with Allah).
6:79Surely I have turned myself, being upright, wholly to Him Who originated the heavens and the earth, and I am not of the polytheists.
6:80And his people disputed with him. He said: Do you dispute with me respecting Allah? And He has guided me indeed; and I do not fear in any way those that you set up with Him, unless my Lord pleases; my Lord comprehends all things in His knowledge; will you not then mind?
6:81And how should I fear what you have set up (with Him), while you do not fear that you have set up with Allah that for which He has not sent down to you any authority; which then of the two parties is surer of security, if you know?
6:82Those who believe and do not mix up their faith with iniquity, those are they who shall have the security and they are those who go aright.
6:83And this was Our argument which we gave to Ibrahim against his people; We exalt in dignity whom We please; surely your Lord is Wise, Knowing.

Should Muslim take the New Moon (Hilaal) as a Symbol to create any confusion? 

Do you know Non-Muslim think that Muslims believe in the old Moon Godess of Pagans (Na'aouzubillah!)


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Challenges to Atheists

Does God Exist - Things to Consider
Once you're ready to ask the question, "does God exist?" here are a few observations to consider as you begin your search for an objective answer:

  • Discoveries in astronomy have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe did, in fact, have a beginning. There was a single moment of creation.
  • Advances in molecular biology have revealed vast amounts of information encoded in each and every living cell, and molecular biologists have discovered thousands upon thousands of exquisitely designed machines at the molecular level. Information requires intelligence and design requires a designer.
  • Biochemists and mathematicians have calculated the odds against life arising from non-life naturally via unintelligent processes. The odds are astronomical. In fact, scientists aren't even sure if life could have evolved naturally via unintelligent processes. If life did not arise by chance, how did it arise?
  • The universe is ordered by natural laws. Where did these laws come from and what purpose do they serve?
  • Philosophers agree that a transcendent Law Giver is the only plausible explanation for an objective moral standard. So, ask yourself if you believe in right and wrong and then ask yourself why. Who gave you your conscience? Why does it exist?
  • People of every race, creed, color, and culture, both men and women, young and old, wise and foolish, from the educated to the ignorant, claim to have personally experienced something of the supernatural. So what are we supposed to do with these prodigious accounts of divine healing, prophetic revelation, answered prayer, and other miraculous phenomena? Ignorance and imagination may have played a part to be sure, but is there something more?
If your curiosity has been piqued and you desire to look into this matter further, we recommend that you consider the world's assortment of so-called Holy Books. If God does exist, has He revealed Himself? And if He has revealed Himself, surely He exists...

(Adopted From Philosophy All About)

Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

Surah Ar Rahmaan (Click here to listen)

55:0In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
55:1The Beneficent God,
55:2Taught the Quran.
55:3He created man,
55:4Taught him the mode of expression.
55:5The sun and the moon follow a reckoning.
55:6And the herbs and the trees do adore (Him).
55:7And the heaven, He raised it high, and He made the balance
55:8That you may not be inordinate in respect of the measure.
55:9And keep up the balance with equity and do not make the measure deficient.
55:10And the earth, He has set it for living creatures;
55:11Therein is fruit and palms having sheathed clusters,
55:12And the grain with (its) husk and fragrance.
55:13Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:14He created man from dry clay like earthen vessels,
55:15And He created the jinn of a flame of fire.
55:16Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:17Lord of the East and Lord of the West.
55:18Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:19.He has made the two seas to flow freely (so that) they meet together:
55:20Between them is a barrier which they cannot pass.
55:21Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:22There come forth from them pearls, both large and small.
55:23Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:24And His are the ships reared aloft in the sea like mountains.
55:25Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:26Everyone on it must pass away.
55:27And there will endure for ever the person of your Lord, the Lord of glory and honor.
55:28Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:29All those who are in the heavens and the earth ask of Him; every moment He is in a state (of glory).
55:30Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:31Soon will We apply Ourselves to you, O you two armies.
55:32Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:33O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with authority.
55:34Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:35The flames of fire and smoke will be sent on you two, then you will not be able to defend yourselves.
55:36Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:37And when the heaven is rent asunder, and then becomes red like red hide.
55:38Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:39So on that day neither man nor jinni shall be asked about his sin.
55:40Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:41The guilty shall be recognized by their marks, so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet.
55:42Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:43This is the hell which the guilty called a lie.
55:44Round about shall they go between it and hot, boiling water.
55:45Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:46And for him who fears to stand before his Lord are two gardens.
55:47Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:48Having in them various kinds.
55:49Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:50In both of them are two fountains flowing.
55:51Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:52In both of them are two pairs of every fruit.
55:53Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:54Reclining on beds, the inner coverings of which are of silk brocade; and the fruits of the two gardens shall be within reach.
55:55Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:56In them shall be those who restrained their eyes; before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them.
55:57Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:58As though they were rubies and pearls.
55:59Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:60Is the reward of goodness aught but goodness?
55:61Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:62And besides these two are two (other) gardens:
55:63Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:64Both inclining to blackness.
55:65Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:66In both of them are two springs gushing forth.
55:67Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:68In both are fruits and palms and pomegranates.
55:69Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:70In them are goodly things, beautiful ones.
55:71Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:72Pure ones confined to the pavilions.
55:73Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:74Man has not touched them before them nor jinni.
55:75Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:76Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.
55:77Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
55:78Blessed be the name of your Lord, the Lord of Glory and Honor!